Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Throwing Paint Around

Last night I had great time getting to work on my Enforcers Strike Squad for Mantic's Deadzone skirmish wargame/boardgame.

Assembly is somewhat of a pain with these guys. Glueing the limbs and gun was tricky as they (the arms) are not recessed at the shoulder area allowing a good fit. Its pretty much a flat surface. I elected to try clay and I found some great stuff at Michaels Craft Store for $1.79 a package. (Fimo Effect from a co. called Staedtler) just a tiny piece rolled and warmed in your hand can hold an arm, torso, gun, etc. in place to allow the glue to dry. It worked like a champ. This stuff will be at my reach at all times from now on that's for sure.

The funny thing was that the silver/grey color was such a oddly close match to Mantic's unpainted models that I neglected to take some of the clay off of the models once the glue set (forgot it was even there) So when I threw primer black on them and noticed the clay.. I really had to give them another hit.

Once assembled, I blasted a black primer coat and was planning on trying to do a Mantic paint style for the Enforcers. However working with white/bone/grey is not something I am that good with, so I decided to go with a different approach and went back over the models with Caliban Green spray from GamesWorkshop. I wanted to go for a more hard-scifi/grunt style look... in my opinion I achieved it. It is nice to see my feeble skills starting to improve. :)
The only regret and lesson that I took away from this session is back off of the dry brush metallic a bit.. it caused some issues for me, oh well...

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